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Zosimo Gulle Memorial National High School


The concerted efforts to open a high school by Mr. Pantaleon Gulle, a retired teacher and the Barangay Council of barangay Bagacay, Burgos, Rizal, and Tanghaligue made the possibility of acquiring the school site.

The site was once part of the land with Tax Declaration No. R-1501 owned by a certain Mr. Juanario Cajes. In 1964 it was transferred to Mr. Zusimo Gulle, father of Pantaleon Gulle, by virtue of a of Deed of Absolute Sale of Real Property in consideration of P250.00 paid by Mr. Gulle to Mr. Cajes. In 1995, Mr. Zosimo Gulle donated a total 20,000 sq. m. from the said land to the Department of Education. 

The school was once known as “Bagacay High School” which was annexed from San Jose National High School, San Jose, Talibon, Bohol. It was only on January 19, 1998 through R.A. 8456 that the school was named “Bagacay National High School” up to the present.

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